Envious of their organisational agility ?

Then let us help you systemise
your business processes !

Why ?

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Wouldn't it be nice to have your staff, and even your external stakeholders, all pull in the same direction? A direction determined by the organisation's strategy and subsequently the operating model with it's constituent policies, procedures and processes. Wouldn't that give senior management a few good nights of peaceful sleep? Knowing that those crucial policies and procedures to mitigate reputational, let alone legislative, risk are fully operational. Isn't that the holy grail of having a smoothly running business?

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Add to that the ability to tweek, in small increments, how your business functions, without anyone even noticing. To constantly improve and refine, but also most importantly, to quickly adjust to industry changes and customer demands. This agility not only ensures the company's ongoing effectiveness, but greatly enhances it's efficiency.

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This is only truly feasible when you have employees who thrive on monotonously doing the same thing over and over, 24-7 and without sick leave, without the inclination to cut corners late in the afternoon, or so dedicated to the business that they will not drop the ball for any reason what so ever, or ... Alas, us humans do not do these things. We detest monotony, so much so that we actively seek out ways of cutting corners, and readily justify dropping the ball.

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Hence the need to use a computer to execute your processes. It'll do precisely what it is instructed to do, 24-7, without any complaints and cutting of corners. In other words, you need to digitise and automate your business processes. Humans are not the best agent when it comes to the execution of business processes, machines are.


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Cognosys (https://cognosys.co) is an IT company. We specialize in focusing on business processes and how to support them with technology. This approach is in stark contrast to choosing a software stack and then customising your business processes to fit the software. We believe your processes should be what differentiates you from any other organisation. Hence we start with a process, irrespective of how mundane or complex, and then find the best way to support that process with IT.

We assist companies with this in either an advisory or enabler capacity.

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As an advisory, we take on a consulting or part-time CIO / IT Manager role to help companies craft and reify their IT aspirations. We have many years of experience at ExCo level, driving and bringing to fruition IT agendas. Assisting especially SMEs wishing to have an experienced IT practitioner help guide them implementing a modern IT architecture. Digital transformation is all about leveraging the ever-changing technological landscape. Our experience and expertise in this regard is highly appropriate. From the formulation of a synthesized Business / IT strategy, to embracing emerging tech such as Blockchain, to putting data on the balance sheet as a very real monetized corporate asset, to assisting with a Return On Investment analysis regarding a specific IT system, etc.

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As an enabler, we partner with our clients as an outsourced service provider. Our services are predominantly business process management related and include the digital mapping and execution of processes on our cloud-based servers (BPaaS). Process automation invariably incorporates the integration of many diverse IT systems, and at the same time tries to minimize mundane and monotonous human participation. Such integration can be readily achieved should the systems have an API, failing there are many other ways of achieving this, such as with Robotic Process Automation (RPA) tools. Our clients frequently also require assistance with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Business Intelligence (BI) capabilities.

Explore our services

Business Process Automation

Let us help you automate the way you operate. Get computers to do much of what keeps you and your staff way too busy. After all, do you have a business or a busyness? And, does your business operate the way you'd like it to, or is it being dictated by the software applications you run? Allow us to introduce agility to your organisation.

Business Applications

Most organisations implement a number of primary software applications to support their operations. Allow us to assist you with not only your next implementation, but also the integration of any of your systems. At the end of the day, an un-integrated system is normally more of a headache than it's purported benefit.

Bespoke WebApps

From small amendments on existing applications to fully fledged systems, we can most certainly help. WebApps are convenient and the right way to go for our modern times. We build responsive Web User Interfaces (WUI) for human participants and Application Programming Interfaces (API) for system integrations.

Business Intelligence

Let us help you put your reporting and analytics on steroids. Also, having that "single version of the truth" is not as elusive as you may think. If you only have a hammer in your "reporting" toolbox, then everything will most certainly look like a nail. Hence the need for Business Intelligence, to make use of the right tool for each analytical requirement.